Prawda? Najprawdziwsza !
Jednak w obecnym świecie reklamy Kobiety starsze reklamują co najwyżej tabletki do czyszczenia protez zębowych lub suplementy diety na pamięć :/ ... i myślę że, gdyby ktoś odważył się stworzyć reklamę pieluchomajtek dla dorosłych to i tam miałyby szansę zaistnieć - zresztą, może już są takie reklamy tylko ja , nie oglądająca telewizji o tym nie wiem....
Tak czy inaczej nawet kremy przeciwzmarszczkowe dedykowane 50+ przeważnie reklamowane są na młodziutkich buziach co w moim osobistym odczuciu, kobiety 50-cio letniej, jest niejakim przegięciem i miast mnie przekonać do zakupu budzi wewnętrzny sprzeciw bo mam wrażenie bycia nabijaną w butelkę !
Wracając jednak do meritum - temat zapadł mi w duszę tym mocniej, że moimi Klientkami są Kobiety praktycznie w każdym wieku.
Zwłaszcza ostatnio mam sporo Klientek z przedziału wiekowego 65+ które nie tylko chcą mieć nareszcie odpowiednio dobrany stanik ale też niekoniecznie ówże ma być z nieśmiertelnej trójcy bazowej.
Rozmawiając z nimi podczas przymiarek dowiaduję się ze są pełne życia, aktywne, dowcipne, zabawne i...
prowadzą aktywne życie intymne !! tak, tak ...
Dlaczego więc pomija się je w kampaniach reklamowych jakby ich w społeczeństwie wogle nie było ?
Czy pokazanie starszej Kobiety jest czymś nagannym ?
Czy starsza Kobieta nie może mieć fajnych ciuchów, butów, torebek ?
To prawie taki sam absurd jak pokazywanie bielizny korygującej na szczupłych modelkach (o tym napiszę następnym razem)
I właśnie to mnie sprowokowało do stworzenia międzypokoleniowej sesji zdjęciowej z udziałem Babci - Basi, Mamy - Gosi i Córki - Wiktorii albo inaczej mówiąc z udziałem trzech fajnych Kobiet w różnym wieku.
Wiki już od jakiegoś czasu prezentuje moje modele. Basia i Gosia dopiero rozpoczynają tę przygodę ale, jak widać, doskonale się przy tym bawią :)
Oto one :
zabawa jest wprost proporcjonalna do wieku ;)
Some time ago I heard a well-known stocking company, whose name begins with an "A" loves all the women and you?... Meaning I do not quite do, as in fact, my models represent different sizes, but they are all young, and not only young women wear lingerie, do they? True! However, in today's world of advertising older women are only present in commercials of denture cleaning tablets or memory pills. What's more, I think that if someone came up with an idea to advertise adults diapers older women would stand a chance to appear in them, too. Well, maybe that has already happened and I am not aware of that, considering the fact I do not watch tv much.
This way or the other even anti-wrinkle creams dedicated for women over 50 are advertised by young faces, which is, IMHO, an outrage and instead of making me want to buy the product, they cause an inner objection as I feel someone's definitely pulling my leg.
Coming back to the point - the matter etched on my memory and soul as my customers are women in practically every age. Particularly lately, there come many of 65 or more, who long for a properly fitting bra at last, but they also expect the bra to be some other than any of the three base colours.
Chatting with them, as we're fitting a bra, I get to know them as active, full of life, witty people. Why, then, are they ignored in commercials as if they weren't a part of our society? Is showing older women somehow exceptionable? Can't they have fine clothes, shoes or bags? That's almost as absurd as hiring fashion models to advertise slimming lingerie (which I am going to comment on next time, BTW).
And that is exactly what prompted me to do an intergenerational photo shoot starring a Grandma - Basia, a Mum - Gosia and a Daughter- Wiktoria, or so to speak three nice women of different ages.
Wiki has been presenting our products for a while. Basia and Gosia have just started their adventure with us, though, as you can see they are having lots of fun with it.
Here they are: as seen in the photo the degree of fun seems directly propotional to age.
Babcia ?... i co z tego ?... wciąż piękna ....
Grandma? ... so what? ...still beautiful...
Mama ?... oczywiście, ale nadal atrakcyjna ....
Mum? ...sure, but still attractive...
Córeczka tak... ;D
Daughter ...well, yes...;D
Babcią się nie jest od zawsze. Babcia była najpierw Córką, potem Mamą by dopiero stać się Babcią
Jednak ciągle, na każdym etapie życia była i jest Kobietą
Bo Kobietą się jest bez względu na wiek :)
Pozwólcie, że sparafrazuję pewien cytat:
"... kim ja jestem - ty będziesz, kim ty jesteś - ja byłam "
You aren't a Grandma for your whole life. Grandma was a Daughter first, then a Mum only to become a Grandma.
But still, at every stage of her life she's been a Woman.
Because you are a Woman no matter how old you are :)
Let me paraphrase a quotation:
"... who I am - you will be, who you are - I was"
I na koniec moje Kicie Szałowe w całej okazałości :)
And to finish with - my Crazy Kitties ina all their glory :)
ps. Przed sesją Basia zastrzegła : tylko się nie zdziw jak ci po tym spadnie sprzedaż .....
.... uważam, że nie miała racji :)
p.s. Before the shoot Basia warned: don't be surprised if your sales drop after the shoot...
... I believe she was totally wrong :)
Babcia i Mama to musiały chyba rodzić niemal w wieku niemowlęcym - tak super młodo wyglądają :)
OdpowiedzUsuńDziękuję w imieniu Basi ale to są dwa pokolenia :)
UsuńMiałam na myśli, że Babcia Mamę, a Mama Córkę musiały młodo rodzić. Kobity: super!
UsuńDealing with QuickBooks Error Code 6000 301. Don’t worry, here the blog is an attempt to fix the error efficiently. If you need instant help, you can contact QuickBooks experts at 1-833-325-0220.
UsuńThank you so much for including beautiful women of different sizes and ages in your pictures! That's one of the reasons I like your company so much - the other reasons are your well fitting bras :) I already own 4 of them!
OdpowiedzUsuńKind regards from Berlin,
UsuńAnja thank you, thank you very much
Dziękuję za ten artykuł, teraz czuje się silniejszą. ..wspaniałe podejście do kobiet 50 plus.
UsuńSama jestem prawie 50+
boska sesja, a sprzedaż na pewno nie spadnie, wręcz przeciwnie! może w końcu panie wciskane w beże i biele zakupią superkolorowy stanik? dla mnie sesja jest świetna, modelki wystrzałowe i serio, ta panterka zachwyca! :-D
OdpowiedzUsuńprecz z białymi stanikami! ;-]
Precz ! :DDDD
Usuńja już widziałam reklamy pieluchomajtek, ale tez z udziałem podejrzanie młodych pan :P
OdpowiedzUsuńdlaczego sprzedaż miałaby spaść? abstrahując od ich wieku, modelki są piękne, zadbane i pewnie budzą zazdrość w niejednej rówieśniczce.
i czy ja dobrze zrozumiałam, ze Wiktoria jest córka "Mamy"? wyglądają raczej na siostry ;)
Wiktoria jest córką Gosi i wnuczką Basi.
UsuńGosia jest synową Basi
no a Basia... to już wynika z poprzednich opisów ;)
a jaki Gosia nosi rozmiar?
UsuńModelki są wszystkie świetne!
OdpowiedzUsuńJa tylko z innej beczki: model w panterkę jest świetny, błagam o figi w takim rodzaju jak Nostalgia (najlepsze, jakie mam), z nieprzeźroczystym przodem i tyłem. Moją bieliznę oglądają nieznajome w szatni przed basenem, aerobikiem itd, nie przed każdym chcę świecić intymnymi częściami ciała. A komplety bardzo lubię.... Już z kilku modeli musiałam zrezygnować z powodu przeźroczystych dołów. Proszę....
Proponuję zawsze napisać do mnie maila - myślę, że w co najmniej kilku przypadkach da się zastąpić tiul jakąś nieprzezroczystą dzianiną
UsuńNie zawsze ale czasem na pewno. Z tym, że takie majtki nie podlegałyby ani zwrotowi ani wymianie
Znakomity pomysł na sesję i reklamę, bielizna piękna, a modelki szałowe. Gratulacje dla wszystkich!
OdpowiedzUsuńDziękuję w imieniu wszystkich :)
UsuńSesja rewelacyjna, modelki przepiękne, bielizna super:) Imho bardzo brakuje pokazywania produktów na modelkach o różnych typach figury i w różnym wieku. W końcu produkt kierowany jest do wszystkich kobiet, bez względu na wiek czy figurę.
OdpowiedzUsuńGratulacje dla całej ekipy - dla modelek za świetne pozowanie i dla producentki za odważne podejście do łamania schematów. Tak trzymać :)
Dzięki Uluś :)
UsuńJak dla mnie rewelacja :)) W końcu ktoś kto myśli o każdej klientce nie tylko młodych i zgrabnych. Moja mama i ja jesteśmy zachwycone Pani biustonoszami, a dodatkowo cudowna reklama, gdzie nie trzeba się zastanawiać czy biust bardziej wiekowy też będzie dobrze w nich wyglądać. Modelki świetne! Mam nadzieję że inne firmy wezmą z Pani przykład. Aby tak dalej! Pozdrawiamy
OdpowiedzUsuńFantastyczna sesja. Z pewnością sprzedaż nie spadnie, wręcz przeciwnie. Babcia ma w sobie tyle pozytywnej energii, która emanuje ze zdjęć. Fotki poprawiły mi nastrój. Ostatnio jakoś podupadłam na duchu.Siebie i moje 55 lat zaczęłam postrzegać, noooo nieciekawie. Ale przecież kocham piękną bieliznę, kocham życie, więc precz ze złymi nastrojami. Kto wie, co jeszcze przede mną dobrego. Pozdrawiam modelki i Ciebie Effuniaku. Kenna1
OdpowiedzUsuńKenna1 jeszcze baaaardzo dużo dobrego przed Tobą a nieciekawym myślom powiedz PRECZ !!
UsuńPrzede wszystkim gratulacje dla Babci Basi! Oczywiście, dla pozostałych Pań również, ale Pani Basia wygląda tak szałowo, że większość gwiazd Hollywood powinna w tym momencie się zapłakać - jeśli tylko im botoks na to pozwoli. Inna rzecz, że patrząc na Panią Babcię, mam podejrzenia, że Córkę Gosię urodziła w przedszkolu, a i Mama Gosia rychło poszła w jej ślady.
OdpowiedzUsuńEffuniaku, co do pieluchomajtek - a i tu by się przydało złamać stereotypy. Nietrzymanie moczu dotyczy coraz większej liczby kobiet, które chorują na totalnie niediagnozowane lub diagnozowane zbyt późno choroby neurologiczno-urologiczne, od stwardnienia rozsianego począwszy (chociaż ono przynajmniej jest "uznane" w polityce medycznej naszego kraju). Plus do tego dochodzi jeszcze jakiś odsetek z jatrogennymi uszkodzeniami dróg moczowych. Sama "w pieluchy" weszłam, nie mając jeszcze trzydziestu lat. I właśnie teraz siedzę na Twojej stronie i zastanawiam się, jak pogodzić pieluchy z gatkami Prohibicja, które są tak cudowne, że muszę je mieć.
Dear Ewa,
OdpowiedzUsuńI am absolutely stoked about your decision. Personally, I am sick and tired of seeing the same kind of model all the time: no older than 24, very thin, photoshopped into oblivion. (And usually their bras don't fit...)
So I LOVE the fact that you're aiming towards more realism and diversity. Models one can identify with and love to invite for coffee and cake. :-) Already choosing different body types was –and is– a wonderful idea. The fact that you now decided on showing more age diversity, too, is absolutely fantastic. Rock on!
By the way: when is the Effuniak corset coming out? :) And might PL Jagodzianki and Laguna be available as a CH(P) cut, too?
Love from Germany!
You can have them in CHP cut custom made, meaning as a special order - they will look like CHP Cappuccino.
UsuńKocham Cię, Ewo :)
OdpowiedzUsuńwieeem :)
UsuńTen komentarz został usunięty przez autora.
OdpowiedzUsuńKicie są wspaniałe!!
OdpowiedzUsuńJa mam pytanie czy staniki zapinane z przodu w rozmiarze 95F są osiągalne? Mam problem z barkiem, nie jestem w stanie sama zapiąć się na plecach. W tej chwili zapinam z przodu, przekręcam i wciskam ramiączka. Nie muszę tłumaczyć jakie są skutki. Stanik zapięty na luźno, żeby się przekręcił, a ramiączka poluzowane bo uchwyt do regulacji z tyłu. Znam wiele Pań, które mają ten problem bo z wiekiem stawy odmawiają posłuszeństwa. Może ktoś pomyśli i o nas?
Pani Ewo,
OdpowiedzUsuńczytalam dzisiaj artykul o bieliznie w Guardianie i w komentarzach do artykulu pojawialy sie bardzo pochlebne opinie odnosnie Pani sklepu. Pomyslalam, ze moze chcialaby Pani zamiescic linka na stronie swojego sklepu
A poza tym jako Polce mieszkajacej za granica "serce roscie" kiedy widze takie komentarze:
"Polish brands are the best bras out there, thank God for Polish breasts! Ewa Michalak is my favorite (she does up to a 150cm/60" band, will gladly go up for custom, and I'm sure you can request longer straps if you need, that's probably more dependent on how high or low your breast root is on your chest wall than total height), but many have good experiences with Comexim (will do many custom alterations for free), Avocado, Samanta, Kris Line (they have very long adjusting straps, good if you have low set on your chest breasts or are just tall), all sell online, there are plenty of others (Dalia, Caprice, Greta, Gorsenia, Ava, Konrad, Ewa Bien, Only Her, Milena)."
Gratuluje sukcesu!
OdpowiedzUsuńPani Ewo,
OdpowiedzUsuńCzy bedą kiedyś w Pani ofercie staniki sportowe?
Thank you. Please keep Going.
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I feel happy to find your post.
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Intuit Press Announcement said that at the time of March 2008, QuickBooks’ share of retail units in the industry accounting group touched 94.2 percent, according to NPD Group. QuickBooks Support Number
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OdpowiedzUsuńAmazing Features of QuickBooks Payroll
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QuickBooks Support Phone Number Accounting Help is a third party service provider that deals with a number of account problems. The goal of the website would be to deliver problem-solving approaches to customers to locate answers. The website also handles an alternate types of matters like for e.g.
OdpowiedzUsuńYou can easily set a parameter to a specific expense. This parameter could be learned, especially, from our best QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number experts.Payroll functions: A business must notice salaries, wages, incentives, commissions, etc., it has paid to your employees in an occasion period. Most of all is the tax calculations must be correct and in line with the federal and state law. Our QuickBooks Payroll Support will certainly make suggestions in working with all of this.
OdpowiedzUsuńOur technical team will guide you through some simple steps which you have to follow to resolve any error. We have a highly qualified technical team and they are best at what they do. One can use Epson printer very easily without any knowledge about the printers, but when your printer stops working at that moment of time you should take some professional help.
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Epson Printer Technical Support Number
Epson Printer Technical Support
Epson Printer Tech Support Phone Number
Epson Printer Technical Support Phone Number
We are Provide Helpline Toll Free Number For HP Printer Support
OdpowiedzUsuńTherefore, when these issues appear, either error or else the printer is not responding, our HP Printer customer care number support system has every solution to the customers query. Our service makes visualization of a solution so clear that every customer needs information to the point. Before when there was no printer facility, people use to rewrite every document several time to get a similar copy of the original one. But after the invention of the printer, the time-saving feature is applied and rewriting of pages came to an end. The Hp printer customer service number, not only enables to work for experience customers, but also enhance their work for fresher, who are not able to start the printer for the first time they buy. As it is said above that everything needs to be updated, so is the HP Printer. People usually look for installing HP Printer. Because it gives an updates reminder of the printer. The user can install HP printer Support by getting help from our helpline number
HP Printer Support Phone Number
Have you been scratching the head and stuck along with your QuickBooks related issues, you will be just one single click definately not our expert tech support team for your QuickBooks related issues. We site name, are leading QuickBooks Tech Support Number team provider for your entire QuickBooks related issues. Either it is day or night, we offer hassle-free tech support team for QuickBooks and its particular associated software in minimum possible time. Our dedicated technical team is available to be able to 24X7, 365 days a year to make sure comprehensive support and services at any hour. We assure you the quickest solution of most your QuickBooks software related issues.
OdpowiedzUsuńSo because of this, QuickBooks is just one of the great accounting software to easily manage all of those things. Of course you use this excellent accounting software and in case you may be suffering from any errors or issues linked to QuickBooks Tech Support Number like undo reconciliation in QuickBooks online and many more.
OdpowiedzUsuńLet’s say during the time of filing taxes while there is plenty of hush-hush then. We assure you that folks will revert for your requirements in less time and work out us accessible to you at QuickBooks Support Phone Number US.
OdpowiedzUsuńIf this occurs it really is natural to possess a loss in operation. But, I will be at your side. If you hire our service, you will be receiving the very best solution. QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number are going to assure you as a result of the error-free service.
OdpowiedzUsuńQuickBooks updates are important for the smooth running of software. Updates constantly come with fixes, patches, and bugs. When you are experiencing any type of issues into the installing of the newest QuickBooks updates? Then easily contact our QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number.
OdpowiedzUsuńConcerning easy, could you start supposing like not enough usefulness and flexibility yet this will be to ensure that QuickBooks Premier Tech Support Phone Number has emphasize wealthy accounting programming? Thus, this item package can without much stretch handle the demands of growing associations.
OdpowiedzUsuńMany companies have been saving a consistent amount of money away from opting QuickBooks Support Phone Number to transfer the salary with their employees. Also, the payrolls are accurate and shall be cleared timely through QuickBooks Payroll. With such satisfactory actions happening around, certain data related issues shall happen from time to time. This is when you have to be definite in creating a routine backup and know the how to restore the information in any crucial situations.
OdpowiedzUsuńQuickBooks Enterprise Is Certainly One The Most Consistent Enterprise Software, Its Recent Version QuickBooks Enterprise 2018. It's possible That When You Are Using QuickBooks And Encounter Some Errors Then Do Not Hyper Because QuickBooks Enterprise Help Phone Number USA Team Is Present Few Steps Away From You.
OdpowiedzUsuńQuickBooks 2019 has arrived with advance features which help its user in extending their business in a unique dimension. You can enjoy most of the services of bookkeeping software, contact us at QuickBooks Support for any conditions that bothers you when using the latest edition of QuickBooks. There are numerous services that one can enjoy through getting good assistances from the pro advisors. The technical experts are available 24*7 over summer and winter to aid their customers. Go ahead and reach us whenever you want.
OdpowiedzUsuńThere are numerous kinds of bugs, glitches, and conditions that users can face while operating the QuickBooks Support Phone Number. However, the QuickBooks customer care helps you in troubleshooting the all sort of errors by giving a complete and easy stepwise guide. After understanding your problems, our great technical executives give the best possible support in rectifying them.
OdpowiedzUsuńThe experts at our QuickBooks Enterprise Technical Support Number have the mandatory experience and expertise to handle all issues pertaining to the functionality of the QuickBooks Enterprise.
OdpowiedzUsuńUse QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number to help relieve Your Struggle of Managing Multiple Retail Stores Using QuickBooks POS. A multi-store form of QuickBooks POS application is probably the most robust accounting solution available in QuickBooks. This software edition grows along with your ever-changing business environment.
OdpowiedzUsuńAs well as all our QuickBooks, you should have the capacity to explore the most notable quality solutions. Our trained and well-seasoned professionals are all set to help through QuickBooks Desktop Support support you 24 / 7. Besides, we believe to help keep the high amount of safety once the questions are primarily handled carefully to keep the pc program.
OdpowiedzUsuńQuickBooks commonly known as the QB is the better accounting software that features integrated various tools to produce your organization accounting process a hurdle free one. QuickBooks is popular because of its reliable, certain and accurate calculations that do save your time when it comes to managing your online business accounts the right way. QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number
OdpowiedzUsuńalso to offer these types of services on a round-the-clock basis to everyone QB Enterprise users, we now have QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number toll-free in position, to supply all QB Enterprise users excellent support for most their glitches and address all of their issues in a jiffy.
OdpowiedzUsuńQuickBooks Payroll Support Number helps meant for execution and implementation and thus thereby made payroll process easy and it highly reduces the requirement of separate IT crew, also quickbooks safely saves all the data on cloud and thereby you can easily access and update from your handheld devices. Thus, Quickbooks Payroll software technically avoids human errors and provides employees freedom to update their data from anywhere.
OdpowiedzUsuńQuickBooks Support – Inuit Inc has indeed developed an excellent software product to manage the financial needs associated with the small and medium-sized businesses. The name regarding the application is QuickBooks. QuickBooks Support Phone Number particularly, doesn't have any introduction for itself. But one who is unknown to this great accounting software, we wish one to give it a try.
OdpowiedzUsuńIntuit QuickBooks Payroll Support Number accounting software enables you to ready your invoices, manage your web business payrolls, track your online business inventory, control cash flow, and start to become tax-ready. Intuit Online Payroll is the better choice for companies looking towards automating their accounting solutions and take their company to new heights.
OdpowiedzUsuńSo if you like to contact the team then easily dial our toll-free amount of Intuit QuickBooks Support to get one stop solution for all you problems and create your business.
OdpowiedzUsuńQuickbooks Support Telephone Number
OdpowiedzUsuńQuickBooks has completely transformed the way people used to operate their business earlier. To get familiar with it, you should welcome this positive change.Supervisors at QuickBooks Support Phone Number have trained all of their executives to combat the issues in this software. Utilizing the introduction of modern tools and approaches to QuickBooks, you can test new techniques to carry out various business activities. Basically, this has automated several tasks that have been being done manually for a long time. There are lots of versions of QuickBooks and each one has a unique features.
Our QuickBooks Technical Support is obtainable for 24*7: Call @ QuickBooks Tech Support Number any time.Take delight in with an array of outshined customer service services for QuickBooks via quickbooks technical support contact number at any time and from anywhere.It signifies that one can access our tech support for QuickBooks at any moment. Our backing team is dedicated enough to bestow you with end-to-end QuickBooks solutions when you desire to procure them for every single QuickBooks query.
OdpowiedzUsuńQuickBooks Support Number If you choose to outsource your bookkeeper tasks, you don’t need to pay any lucrative amount as salary. If he/she has worked for 10 hours, you have to pay for those hours and not for the whole day or month. If you are smart, you would choose this kind of professional accounting services for maintaining your financial records as well as for your business development.
OdpowiedzUsuńSo in that case, you simply require the most sophisticated & highly certified experts, therefore QuickBooks Technical Support Number have given you our excellent professional or experts team and additionally they provide you with an immediate and incredibly easy solution of your all issues or errors.
OdpowiedzUsuńAnd in addition with this specific, many QuickBooks users encounter some heavy and unexpected errors such as QuickBooks Customer Service and so many more. So this kind of form of tough situations,
OdpowiedzUsuńWe warmly welcome you to receive the best QuickBooks Customer Service Phone Number for QuickBooks accounting software. It helps you to expand your online business. In the event of any error in QuickBooks, it is very important to fix it immediately. The QuickBooks support telephone number is toll-free additionally the professional technicians handling your support call may come up with an instantaneous solution that can permanently solve the glitches. We describe the perfect solutions by directly making contact towards the U.S based certified Proadvisor, CPAs & accountant.
OdpowiedzUsuńQuickBooks Technical Support Phone Number supplies the Outmost Solution of your Software Issues. Although, QuickBooks is a robust accounting platform that throws less errors when compared with others. It is always been the most challenging task to efficiently manage the business accounts in an authentic and proper way simply by getting the best and proper solutions.
OdpowiedzUsuńTo know more about our services, check out the list of the issues we solve. If your company also uses QuickBooks POS software to manage your sales, inventory and customers’ information, we have experts who can help you maintain this system too. Apart from troubleshooting, we can help you set up custom reporting, assist in migrating your data from old accounting system to QB, provide regular file cleanup and other enhancement services. We offer several support packages: basic, premium, and pro. Your choice of a package will depend on the number of software users, and a time period you want to receive our services. The packages include unlimited QuickBooks Helpline Number and 24/7 technical support. With our assistance, your business operations will never be interrupted due to the software failure.
OdpowiedzUsuńHp Printer Support Phone Number
OdpowiedzUsuńOur HP Printer Support 24/7 Available For Printer Help The printer is a standout among the most significant computer hardware device, which causes you get a printed version of your computerized archives.
There is various brand contending to accomplish the number one position, yet HP is champion among all. It incorporates unmistakable highlights, great printing, laser-quality content and an amazing motor for better speed. In fact HP printers fulfill every quality parameter, the users frequently faces HP Printer Problems errors/issues.
These issues can influence your work process just as the nature of your printing device. In this manner, to save you from the bother, HP Printer Technical Support Phone Number is presented.
We warmly welcome you to receive the best QuickBooks help support for QuickBooks accounting software. It helps you to expand your online business. In the event of any error in QuickBooks, it is very important to fix it immediately. The QuickBooks Support Phone Number is toll-free additionally the professional technicians handling your support call may come up with an instantaneous solution that can permanently solve the glitches. We describe the perfect solutions by directly making contact towards the U.S based certified Proadvisor, CPAs & accountant.
OdpowiedzUsuńNo matter if you're getting performance errors or perhaps you are facing any type of trouble to upgrade your software to its latest version, you can quickly get help with QuickBooks Support Phone Number. Each time you dial QuickBooks 2018 technical support contact number, your queries get instantly solved. Moreover, you will get in contact with our professional technicians via our email and chat support options for prompt resolution of most related issues.
OdpowiedzUsuńYou don’t have to worry for the as our team is well-aware of recent software issues and complications. Also, they keep themselves updated because of the latest technology and errors introduced whenever you glance at the software on regular time period. You merely have to relate genuinely to us on phone by dialing Quickbooks Tech Support.
OdpowiedzUsuńYou don’t have to worry for the as our team is well-aware of recent software issues and complications. Also, they keep themselves updated because of the latest technology and errors introduced whenever you glance at the software on regular time period. You merely have to relate genuinely to us on phone by dialing Quickbooks Tech Support.
OdpowiedzUsuńTo know more about our services, check out the list of the issues we solve. If your company also uses QuickBooks POS software to manage your sales, inventory and customers’ information, we have experts who can help you maintain this system too. Apart from troubleshooting, we can help you set up custom reporting, assist in migrating your data from old accounting system to QB, provide regular file cleanup and other enhancement services. We offer several support packages: basic, premium, and pro. Your choice of a package will depend on the number of software users, and a time period you want to receive our services. The packages include unlimited QuickBooks Desktop Support Number and 24/7 technical support. With our assistance, your business operations will never be interrupted due to the software failure.
OdpowiedzUsuńQuickBooks Helpline Phone Number +1855-236-7529. QuickBooks is a world-class Accounting and Financial Management software capable of smoothening the entire accounting process by automating the tasks. Bookkeepers and Accountants from all over the world blindly trust the software because of its high accuracy and reliability. Or contact at QuickBooks Web Connector Error
OdpowiedzUsuńRead more:
With the sudden increase in the pace of human lives, technology has taken an altogether a prominent space in it. Our team at QuickBooks Technical Support Phone Number +1 888-238-7409 provides assistance for one of the most helpful innovation of technology i.e. QuickBooks. Visit us:-
OdpowiedzUsuńQuickBooks Error Support Phone Number
To know more about our services, check out the list of the issues we solve. If your company also uses QuickBooks POS software to manage your sales, inventory and customers’ information, we have experts who can help you maintain this system too. Apart from troubleshooting, we can help you set up custom reporting, assist in migrating your data from old accounting system to QB, provide regular file cleanup and other enhancement services. We offer several support packages: basic, premium, and pro. Your choice of a package will depend on the number of software users, and a time period you want to receive our services. The packages include unlimited Intuit QuickBooks Support Number and 24/7 technical support. With our assistance, your business operations will never be interrupted due to the software failure.
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OdpowiedzUsuńVery well-structured and crafted writeup! Indeed, one of the best blogs I have ever been through. I just loved your content. Write more frequently and consistently. So, if you ever come across the QuickBooks Error 80070057, get it resolved through the assistance of QuickBooks experts via rapid concern calls. So, go for advanced QuickBooks assistance at QuickBooks Support Phone Number 1 833-441-8848.
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OdpowiedzUsuńThanks for sharing such an informative blog post with us. If you are a QuickBooks software user and want professional help for the software then QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1-844-200-2627 is the best way to get connected with team of experts. Their remote tech support services can be availed easily from anywhere, anytime. QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number
OdpowiedzUsuńAre you in a hurry and looking for immediate support to fix your issues with QuickBooks? Do not worry! We are here to help you at our QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1(833)401-0005. For More Visit:
OdpowiedzUsuńAre you in need of help? If yes, you are in the right place. We can help you with the best solutions to fix your issues. Dial our toll-free QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number +1(833)401-0005 now! For More Visit: &
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Need help solving your problems with QuickBooks? Then you're in the right place. Call us at our QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number 1-833-401-0005 to fix the issues. For more visit:
OdpowiedzUsuńThere may be instances of files deletion or new files appearing. Though this symptom is largely due to virus infection, it can be attributed as a symptom for runtime error, as virus infection is one of the causes for runtime error. User may also experience a sudden drop in internet connection speed, yet again, this is not always the case. If you would like to take a shot to Resolve QuickBooks Error 9999 yourself, you can continue reading this blog.
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